Faculty - 2005-2006

Updated August 4, 2005



Each student has been assigned to one of the two guidance counselors:

Terri Tyson or Robin Remedies.

If you have a question concerning your child's classes,
 contact  one of the counselors at 396-9693

6th 7th 8th Gifted
Special Ed. P.E. Elective

6th Grade

Teacher Room Number Subject Planning Period
Calloway 121 Social Studies/504    
Epps 113 English/Adv. English 4th 10:49 - 11:40
Griffin 106 Math Lab/7th Lang. Arts 4th 10:49 - 11:40
Kelton   Math/7th Lang. Arts 5th 12:14-1:05
Maxwell 108 Adv. Science/8th Phy. Sci. 6th 1:10 - 2:01
McGuffee 110 English/Lang. Arts 4th 10:49 - 11:40
Mercer 109 Social Studies/Adv. Social Studies 1st 7:53-8:54
Norris   Science 2nd 8:57-9:48
Painich 112 Lang. Arts/Adv. Lang. Arts 4th 10:49 - 11:40
Patrick 102,109, 139 Social Studies/Keyboarding 5th 12:14-1:05
Sellar 107 6th GT Math/GT Science 6th & 7th 7th 2:05-2:55
Stephens 139 6th, 7th, 8th Reading Lab    
Vrabel 116 Math/7th GT Math 4th 10:49 - 11:40
Wilhite 117 6, 7, 8 English/Lang. Arts Resource    

7th Grade
Brasher 119 Math/8th Alg. I Honors & GT/Athletics 4th 10:49 - 11:40
DeMoss 124 Social Studies/Athletics 4th 10:49 - 11:40
Dillingham 122 English/Lang. Arts 6th 1:10-2:01
Eley 129 7th Adv. Eng./8th Adv. Lang. Arts 4th 10:49 - 11:40
Griffin 106 Lang. Arts/Math Lab 6,7,8 4th 10:49 - 11:40
Moody 128 Science/Cheer 6th 1:10-2:01
Parker 120 Math/ Adv. Math 3rd 9:53-10:44
Robbins 125 Social Studies/Adv. Social Studies 2nd 8:57-9:48
Robinson 123 Language Arts/Adv. Lang. Arts 4th 10:49 - 11:40
Stephens 139 6th, 7th, 8th Reading Lab    
Thrower 127 Science/Adv. Science 3rd 9:53-10:44
Vrabel 116 Math/7th GT Math 4th 10:49 - 11:40
Wilhite 117 6, 7, 8 English/Lang. Arts Resource    

8th Grade
Aulds 132 English/Lang. Arts 3rd 9:53-10:44
Bayles 131 Language Arts 3rd 9:53-10:44
Biggs 133 English/Adv. English 3rd 9:53-10:44
Crew 135 Social Studies/Athletics 3rd 9:53-10:44
Dean 129 Social Studies/Adv. Soc. Studies 1st 7:53-8:54
Eley 134 7th Adv. Eng./8th Adv. Lang. Arts 4th 10:49 - 11:40
Griffin 106 Math Lab 6,7,8/ 7th Lang. Arts 4th 10:49 - 11:40
Holzer   Math/Adv. Intr. Alg. I 3rd 9:53-10:44
Lee 115 Science/Athletics 6th 1:10-2:01
Noel 130 Math/Intr. Algebra GT/Drill 6th 11:45 - 12:36
Starr 137 Science/Adv. Science/Yearbook 2nd 8:57-9:48
Stephens 139 6th, 7th, 8th Reading Lab    
Wilhite 117 6, 7, 8 English/Lang. Arts Resource 2nd 8:57-9:48

Brasher 119 8th Alg. I  GT 4th 10:49 - 11:40
Noel 130 Intr. Algebra GT 6th 11:45 - 12:36
Sellar 107 6th GT Math/GT Science 6th & 7th 7th 2:05 - 2:55
Vrabel 116 7th GT Math 4th 10:49 - 11:40

Special Education
Dubuy 101 Self-Contained    
Wilhite 138 6, 7, 8 English Lang. Arts Resource 2nd 8:57-9:48
Hunter 138 Autistic    
Westerburg 105 6, 7, 8 Math Resource 5th 11:45-12:36

Physical Education
Brothers Gym 7th & 8th PE 5th 11:45-12:36
Creech Gym 7th & 8th PE 4th 10:49-11:40
DeMoss Gym 6th, 7th, & 8th PE 4th 10:49-11:40
Gill Gym 6th & 7th PE 1st 7:53-8:54
Young Gym 6th & 7th PE 7th 2:05 - 2:55

Griffin 106 Math Remediation 4th 10:49-11:40
Green Choir Rm. Choir 1st 7:53 - 8:54
Hogg 102/103 Home Economics 1st 7:53-8:54
Patrick 139 Keyboarding 3rd 9:53-10:44
Leach 104 Art 7th 2:05 - 2:55
Terry Band Rm. Band 4th 10:49-11:40
Phillips Band Rm. Band    


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