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Monday, 28 November 2005
8th Grade English and Language Arts
Mood:  sharp
Now Playing: Week of November 28 - December 2, 2005
This week, we will begin learning about pronouns.
Monday: 1. DOL
2. textbook pgs. 402-403
3. wkbk. pgs. 107-108; finish for hw.

Tuesday: 1. DOL
2. textbook pgs. 404-405
3. wkbk. pgs. 109-110; finish for hw.

Wednesday: 1. DOL
2. textbook pgs. 406-407
3. wkbk. pgs. 111-112; finish for hw.

Thursday: 1. DOL
2. textbook pgs. 408-409
3. textbook pgs. 417-418, ex. 1,2,3
4. homework - study for test covering
pgs. 402-409

Friday: 1. DOL
2. test


Language Arts:
We will begin a unit on poetry this week.

Monday: 1. Vocabulary Workshop - Unit 4, wds. 1-
10 - pg. 51
2. textbook pgs. 294-297
3. go over poetry hand-outs
4. begin poetry notes/definitions

Tuesday: 1. Voc. Wksp. - pg. 55
2. finish poetry definitions
3. read/discuss poems on textbook pgs.
4. wkbk. pg. 33 for homework

Wednesday: 1. Voc. Wksp. - pg. 54-55
*test tomorrow on wds. 1-10
2. write a poem in class

Thursday: 1. Voc. Wksp. test
2. finish writing poem
3. review poetry definitions
*test tomorrow on definitions

Friday: 1. test
2. read various poems

Posted by 8thghms at 12:42 PM CST
Wednesday, 16 November 2005
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Week of November 14 - 18, 2005
This week in English:

We will continue learning about verbs.
Monday - DOL; textbook pgs. 382-383; wkbk. pgs. 93-96 (finish for homework, if necessary)

Tuesday - DOL; textbook pgs. 386-387; wkbk. pgs. 97-98 (finish for homework, if necessary)

Wednesday - DOL; textbook pgs. 388-391; wkbk. pgs. 99-104 (finish for homework, if necessary)

Thursday - DOL; textbook pgs. 395-397; study guide; test tomorrow on verbs covering textbook pgs. 382-397; homework - study!

Friday - DOL; test


This week in Language Arts:
Monday - Vocabulary Workshop - Unit 3, wds. 11-20
- finish test from Friday

Tuesday - Voc. Wksp. - Syn/Ant. section
- begin watching a movie (similar to last
week's story); students will compare and
contrast the story and the movie

Wednesday - Voc. Wksp. - pg. 38; test tomorrow
- continue watching the movie

Thursday - Voc. Wksp. test
- finish watching the movie

Friday - Students will complete a Venn Diagram to
compare and contrast the story "The Ransom
of Red Chief" and the movie "Savannah
Smiles." *This will be turned in for a test

I am out of baby wipes (we use these to clean off the overhead and the board) - please send as many boxes as you can! Thanks!

Have a very safe and happy Thanksgiving!!!

Posted by 8thghms at 9:27 AM CST
Monday, 7 November 2005
8th Grade English and Language Arts
Mood:  lyrical
Now Playing: Week of November 7 - 11, 2005
This week in English:
We will be continuing our study of verbs.

Monday - DOL; review verbs - textbook pgs. 393-394, Exercises 1-4; study guide; homework: study for test on verbs (covers textbook pages 368-375; wkbk. pgs. 75-84; and study guide)

Tuesday - DOL; test

Wednesday - DOL; textbook pgs. 376-377; wkbk. pgs. 85-88 (finish for hw if necessary)

Thursday - DOL; textbook pgs. 378-379; wkbk. pgs. 89-90 (finish for hw if necessary)

Friday - DOL; textbook pgs. 380-381; wkbk. pgs. 91-92

This week in Language Arts:
We will read and respond to a humorous short story - "The Ransom of Red Chief."

Monday - Vocabulary Workshop - Unit 3, wds. 1-10; preview new story and new vocabulary definitions; voc. practice wkst. (finish for hw if necessary)

Tuesday - Voc. Wksp. - "Syn. & Ant." sections; begin reading story

Wednesday - Voc. Wksp. - pg. 38; finish reading story; answer questions on textbook pg. 347; homework: study for Voc. Wksp. test

Thursday - Voc. Wksp. test; story study guide; reading wkbk. pg. 55

Friday - story test (open book)

**Please send old magazines to school this week. We will need them to complete an activity.

Posted by 8thghms at 4:18 PM CST
Thursday, 3 November 2005
8th grade English and Language Arts
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Week of October 31 - Nov. 4, 2005
English classes (periods 1,4,6,7)

This week we will be covering verbs.

Monday - a Halloween activity

Tuesday -DOL/textbook pgs. 368-369/wkbk. pgs. 75-76
-homework - finish wkbk. pgs. if necessary

Wednesday -DOL/textbook pgs. 370-373/wkbk. pgs. 77-
-homework - finish wkbk. pgs. if necessary

Thursday -DOL/textbook pgs. 374-375/wkbk. pgs. 81-84
-homework - finish wkbk. pgs. if necessary

Friday - DOL/verb review/study guide

*No test this week!

Language Arts classes (periods 2,5)

This week we will explore humor through comics.

Monday - in the library (almanac)

Tuesday - Voc. Wksp. - pg. 31
- textbook pg. 334 (humor)
- textbook pg. 336; wkst. (comic strip)
*each day this week, students may bring in
comics for extra credit!

Wednesday - Voc. Wksp. pg. 33
- begin creating your own comic strip (to
be turned in for a grade) - follow

Thursday - Voc. Wksp. pg. 34
- continue working on comic strips

Friday - Voc. Wksp. Unit 2 open book test
- present original comic strips and read
other comics
- watch and respond to a cartoon

FYI: I will no longer be sending home test papers. I will show students their graded tests and keep them on file. If you would like to see these papers, please just let me know, and I'll send them home. I have a hard time getting papers back, so I'd rather hang on to them.

Also, I will now be giving a daily/weekly grade that will cover things like: classwork, homework, having materials, and behavior. Each student starts each week with a 100...each time an infraction occurs, 5 points will be deducted. At the end of the week, a final "test" grade will be given. Several students are not doing what they NEED to do to stay on top of things!

My homeroom class is participating in the Samaritan's Purse project. These gift boxes are due on or before November 11. Thanks!

Posted by 8thghms at 12:44 PM CST
Monday, 24 October 2005
Week of October 24 - 28, 2005
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: English and Language Arts

This week in English, we will be learning about nouns.
Monday - 1. DOL
2. textbook pages 348-351
3. workbook pages 61-64
Tuesday - 1. DOL
2. textbook pages 352-355
3. workbook pages 65, 66, & 69, 70
Wednesday - 1. DOL
2. textbook pages 356-359
3. workbook pages 67, 68, & 71, 72
Thursday - 1. DOL
2. nouns study guide/review
*homework - study the nouns study guide
for tomorrow's test
Friday - 1. DOL
2. test on noun study guide

**homework only if classwork doesn't get finished

Language Arts:

Monday - Voc. Workshop - Unit 2, wds. 11-20
- new story, "All Things Bright & Beautiful" - define story vocabulary
- story voc. practice worksheet
Tuesday - Voc. Wksp. - syn/ant
- discuss "humor"
- begin reading story silently
Wednesday - Voc. wksp - review spellings and
definitions of words to prepare for
tomorrow's test
- finish reading story
Thursday - Voc. wksp. test
- get and complete story study guide
- rdg. wkbk. pgs.
Friday - story test

Posted by 8thghms at 12:45 PM CDT
Monday, 17 October 2005
8th grade English & Language Arts
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: Week of October 17 - 21, 2005

Monday-Wednesday: We will create "Name Posters." Students will think about words, phrases, and pictures that describe them. They will write their names in big bubble letters and then fill in the letters with the words that describe them. These "posters" will colored and then displayed in the 8th grade hall.

Thursday-Friday: Students will use their name posters to write descriptive essays about themselves.

*There will be no DOL this week!

*Grades will be given on the name posters and on the essays.

*I sent progress reports home Monday. Please sign these and return.

Language Arts:
Monday: Students will finish their tests on "Flowers for Algernon."
Tuesday-Wednesday: We will be watching the movie version of our story.
Thursday: workbook pages 21-24; wksts. on idioms and figurative language
Friday: We will be writing a persuasive essay on
"How you feel about using or not using animals in laboratory testing."

*No Vocabulary Workshop this week!
*No homework this week! (unless you don't finish your work in class on Thursday...)
*I sent progress reports home Monday. Please sign and return.

Posted by 8thghms at 12:34 PM CDT
Thursday, 13 October 2005
Progress Reports
Mood:  accident prone
Now Playing: 8th grade English and Language Arts
Just to let you know...

I apologize for not sending home progress reports today. I have not been able to get a few sets of tests graded and did not want to send home progress reports until those sets were done.

I will hopefully be able to send progress reports home Monday. I actually may just send home progres reports with those students having problems.

Posted by 8thghms at 12:25 PM CDT
Tuesday, 11 October 2005
8th grade English and Language Arts
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Week of October 10 - 14, 2005
I was out Monday, October 10. I apologize for not being able to be at school yesterday, but it was a medical emergency...Everything's fine, and I'm back at school today!

English -
Monday: DOL; textbook pgs. 332-335; workbook pgs. 53-56; no homework

Tuesday: DOL; going back over prepositions; study the lists of them tonight for homework - quiz on them tomorrow!! (*We didn't do well on the previous test on prepositions!)

Wednesday: DOL; quiz on prepostitions (definition of and lists of); textbook pgs. 336-337; homework - wkbk. pgs. 57-58

Thursday: DOL; textbook pgs. 338-343 (review); wkbk. pgs. 59-60 for homework; Test tomorrow on Unit 8 - sentences (pgs. 326-343)

Friday: DOL; Unit 8 Test

Language Arts -
Monday - Begin Unit 2 Vocabulary Workshop - words 1-10 only; continue reading story - "Flowers for Algernon"; no homework

Tuesday - Voc. Wksp. Synonyms & Antonyms sections; finish reading story "Flowers for Algernon"; get study guide for Part 2; no homework

Wednesday - Voc. Wksp. review spellings and definitions of words 1-10; answer story study guide; homework: study for test on Voc. Wksp. wds, 1-10

Thursday - Voc. Wksp. - test; check study guide; wkbk. pgs. 21-24; test tomorrow on story and story vocabulary tomorrow

Friday - story test; "Ink Blot" activity, if time permits

Thanks so much to Isaac Newman's mother for sending the box of candy!!!!:) I really appreciate it!! Have a great week!

Posted by 8thghms at 10:10 AM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 11 October 2005 12:32 PM CDT
Monday, 3 October 2005
8th grade English and Language
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Week of October 3 - 7, 2005
I can't believe that the first six weeks of school is now behind us! Now that the "newness" of being back at school has worn off, students need to buckle down and focus on doing their best at school.

This week in English:
Monday - DOL
- textbook pages 454-457 (conjunctions)
- workbook pages 147-150
- homework - finish wkbk. pgs. if necessary

Tuesday - DOL
- textbook pages 458-459 (interjections)
- workbook page 150
- homework - study for test on conjunctions
and interjections

Wednesday - DOL
- test

Thursday - DOL
- textbook pages 460-461
- workbook pages 151-154
- homework - none

Friday - DOL
*adjustments will made for classes since we
will be going to the West Monroe High School
homecoming assembly Thursday morning

This week in Language Arts:
Monday - Vocabulary Workshop - p. 26
- finish writing our mysteries, if necessary
- begin new unit - Theme 2 - new story - "Flowers for Algernon" - p. 112
- homework - vocabulary practice sheet

Tuesday - Vocabulary Workshop - p. 24
- begin reading new story
- homework - none

Wednesday - Vocabulary Workshop - p. 27
- finish reading story (Part 1)
- homework - none

Thursday - Vocabulary Workshop - review sheet (to
be turned in for a grade)
- get story study guide for Part 1
- homework - none

Friday - review Part 1 of the story and complete
the study guide

*Report cards go on Monday, Oct. 3....Newsletters also go home that day....

**Please send baby wipes and paper towels and candy if you can! Thanks!!:)

Posted by 8thghms at 2:28 PM CDT
Tuesday, 27 September 2005
8th grade English & Language Arts
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Week of September 26 - 30
English Classes - periods 1, 4, 6, and 7:

Monday - DOL/textbook pgs. 448-449/wkbk. pgs. 141-142

Tuesday - DOL/textbook pgs. 450-453/wkbk. pgs. 143-146

Wednesday - DOL/review prepositions/study
sheet/practice worksheet/homework: study
for test on prepositions

Thursday - DOL/test

Friday - DOL/textbook pgs. 454-457/wkbk. pgs. 147-150

Language Arts Classes - periods 2 & 5

Monday - Vocabulary Workshop Unit 1, words 11-20/ textbook pgs. 844-845; wkst.

Tuesday - Voc. Wksp. Unit 1, words 11-20 - Syn.& Ant./
discussing elements of a good mystery - completing outline writing wkst.

Wednesday - Voc. Wksp. Unit 1, words 11-20, spelling of/ creating graphic organizer and beginning first draft of a mystery

Thursday - Voc. Wksp. Unit 1, words 11-20, definitions of/ finish writing first drafts of mysteries
*Homework - study for Voc. Wksp. test

Friday - Voc. Wksp. test/ writing final drafts of mysteries

*****This week, we will be taking the "Explore" test in homeroom....We will take this test on Thursday. This test will be able to help students identify areas of interests, areas of weakness, and areas of strengths. These tests results will be used to help us prepare for the LEAP test and will help guide students through their high school curriculum. Please make sure students are at school on Thursday!

******Halloween time is a GREAT time to stock teachers up on individually wrapped candy! Students LOVE to earn treats in class!! Please send what you can! Thanks!

Posted by 8thghms at 3:07 PM CDT

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