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Group Two
Good Hope Middle School Daily Announcements
Tuesday, 8 November 2005

GHMS has had a re-count in the canned food drive. The winning homeroom is Mrs. Terry with 872 cans and 2nd place is Mrs. Vrabel with 721 cans. Both home rooms will receive a pizza party.

The following students have been recognized for demonstrating Good Character under the Character Counts Pillar of Caring:
6th Grade: Autumn Dillingham and Clint Brister
8th Grade: Jonathan Mundweller

We are proud to announce the winners of the contests from Red Ribbon Week:
6th Grade Poster Contest:
1st Place: Mary Cox
2nd Place: Elizabeth Lenox
3rd Place: Sierra Smith
7th Grade Essay Contest:
1st Place: Jordan McGee
2nd Place: Morgan Smith
3rd Place: Hali Menzie
8th Grade Poem Contest:
1st Place: Kelly Ford
2nd Place: Jamie Thissen-Betts
3rd Place: Matt Hays

Operation Christmas Child Boxes are available. Please see Mrs. Remedies.

Congratulations to the 7th grade boys for defeating St. Fredrick 46-35.
Jacordrick Norman lead all rebounders with 7.

8th Grade Boys defeated St. Frederick 56-36.
Wayne Henricks led all scorers with 12 points and 8 rebounds.
LaDarrin Williams scored 10 points.

Congratulations Lady Colonels in your victories over St. Frederick. 7th grade score was 20-11.
Leading scorer was Jade Coleman with 6 points.

8th Grade score was 37-7.
Leading scorer was Brandy Williams with 13.

National Junior Honor Society
The following activities are planned for the rest of the school year. Each member is required to participate in at least 4 of the activities with an * and must participate in #8 and 9 in order to participate in the fun day activity that will be at the end of the school year.
1. *Nursing home drive - Nov. 8 - 18 In order to participate in the nursing home visits you must bring items for the bags.
2. *Make teacher gifts for Christmas. These will be made after school one afternoon.
3. *Gift wrap night (more info later).
4. *Sell candy grams for February 14. This will be done during lunch shifts.
5. *Crush activity (more info later).
6. *Stuffed Animal drive (more info later).
7. *Bake sale (more info later) We will sell baked goods during lunch shifts.

8. Teacher Appreciation ($5.00 gift and lunch items) This will be in the spring.
9. Induction - (punch & cookies - in the spring)

Nursing home visits will begin Nov. 15. Participation lists will be based on students who have paid their $10.00 dues and have brought their items for the nursing home drive.
To participate in the Nursing Home Visit students must bring at least 5 items to turn in. Goodie bags will be made to deliver to the nursing home residents each month. These are to be individual or sample size items.
Socks, Toothpaste, Mouthwash, Lotion, Soap, Playing cards, Large print word finds/crosswords, Greeting cards, small tissue packs, other appropriate items

Posted by ghmsnews at 10:02 AM CST

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