A myth is an ancient, anonymous story that explains how something came to be as it is. A myth usually involves gods and goddesses. One of the reasons that people of long ago told myths was to explain natural occurrences. Before humans found scientific explanations for such things as the moon, the sun, rainbows, or thunder, they tried to understand them by making up stories.
Your assignment is to write a short myth (at least two good paragraphs) to explain one of the following natural occurrences. Your myth should state the problem/event and the story you make up to explain the problem/event.
Why leaves change color in the fall Why fish live in the water
Why birds fly Why snow melts when it is warm
Why the moon comes out at night Why trees are so tall
Why the sky is blue
Make a story map- Problem in the center, ideas, and people around the problem.
Write the story with at least 2 paragraphs.
Correct and improve the story and write or type a final draft.
You must turn in story map(25 points), rough draft showing corrections(50 points), and final copy(25 points). Your final copy should have few grammatical or spelling errors.
Your final copy, rough draft, and story map are due by December 15, 2005. 5 points will be deducted for each day late.
Posted by 6thghms
at 11:45 AM CST