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Monday, 14 November 2005

For the week of Nov.14-18:

*We will be doing a group project on the cradles of
civilization all week. Students will research their
assigned topic in the library on Mon. & Tues.
Students that are absent need to do research using
the internet at home.

*All incomplete Daily Geography for weeks 9-12 must
be completed by Wednesday.

*All make-up tests and missing assignments must be
completed by Friday.

Posted by 7thghms at 3:43 PM CST

Thursday, 17 November 2005 - 5:07 PM CST

Name: Sharon Lee

Hannah came home today crying over a group assigment. She told me the children in her group would not let her participate in the assigment. I asked her did she talk to you about it. She said yes. She said things didn't change even after you talked to the children. Now she tells me the other children are going to fail her because she could not participate. I need some help to understand what is going on. Please call me or schedule a time Hannah and I can visit with you. work:387-0511 or home 396-1761
Thank you , Sharon Lee

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