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Friday, 18 November 2005

Monday and Tuesday students will work on in class research pertaining to different types of waves. They will gather information from books borrowed from the library. They will also need to bring a piece of poster board to create a poster illustrating their information.
Wednesday and Thursday will be in class presentations and Friday we will be attending ballet @ 12:45. If there are any other presentations that need to be made we will complete them that morning or after we return from the ballet. PROGRESS REPORTS will be sent home this Thursday, December 1st. There were also several students who did not return their papers before the Thanksgiving break. Could you please see that these are returned for filing. There are only 3 weeks left in this six week period. Encourage your child to do their best in all their subjects. Thanks again for all your cooperation.

Posted by 7thghms at 2:47 PM CST
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Monday, 14 November 2005

Monday students will receive a "study guide" for Sound!
Report cards are sent home today!
Tuesday students will have an exam on sound (notes and vocabulary - the vocabulary is for extra points on their test grade)
Wednesday - Friday discussion and research on pp. E108-E113. Students will read this information and then be given a topic to research on waves and how they affect us. (example - earthquakes and the movement of energy waves)

Posted by 7thghms at 9:50 AM CST
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Monday, 7 November 2005

Beginning SOUND - the students will read pp. E116-121 and they will define 10 vocabulary words from this reading material. They need to learn these definitions tonight because there will be a vocabulary exam tomorrow and they will NOT be able to use their folder. We will begin discussion of this material after the test on Tuesday. Students are aware of their average for their report cards for the second six weeks period. You might want to ask them for their grade. Report cards will be sent home Monday, November 14th. We will be having a test on SOUND Friday. Have your child study every night. Signed papers will come home Thursday. Please sign and return them on Friday. Thanks for your cooperation.

Posted by 7thghms at 11:42 AM CST
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Wednesday, 2 November 2005

Update - the students will be having an exam on Friday, 11/4 on Vocabulary and notes on Battery, Light and electromagnetic waves. Please encourage them to start studying their materials TONIGHT! Thanks.

Posted by 7thghms at 12:13 PM CST
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Monday, 31 October 2005

Monday is Halloween and I will be performing my annual withch's brew demonstration. The information from this demonstration will be on their next test. Tuesday, there are several make-up exams from last Friday. The students who did not take their test Friday will do so today (magnetism and electricity) their name is on the board and they should be prepared. They will also have a folder check today. We will also begin discussion of light and electromagnetic waves. There will be vocabulary and notes from pp. E94, E124 - E129. Please make sure your students are completing their work and studying for their exam. Thursday is the end of the 2nd six weeks period.

Posted by 7thghms at 9:01 AM CST
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Monday, 24 October 2005

Monday we will begin Magnetism and Electricity. The students will receive 20 vocabulary words to read pp. E84-E89 and define during class. If this is not completed, they will need to do this for homework. (remember a quiz can easily follow the next day from this work) We will begin discussion of these pages on Tuesday - Thursday and there will be an exam on Friday. We will be having an in class activity pertaining to this information probably on Thursday. Please encourage your child to study their notes as much as possible to be prepared for the test. Sign and return papers come home Thursday and I need them back on Friday, PLEASE.
Thanks for all your cooperation.

Posted by 7thghms at 12:52 PM CDT
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Monday, 17 October 2005

Summary for the week of 10/17-10/21
Monday we will begin working on notes and discussion of pp. E76-E79; we will perform an in class activity demonstrating potential and kinetic energy; information will be discussed from our Glencoe MF&E book from pp. 126 - 130; there will be an exam this week on Friday. Students should START studying Monday with the notes taken in class. Remember, Thursday is sign and return paper day. Thanks for your cooperation.

Posted by 7thghms at 2:29 PM CDT
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Monday, 10 October 2005

Monday and Tuesday we will be working on measuring matter and graphing information from a chart. Wednesday students will be given their vocabulary for pp.E76-E79. There are 14 words. Thursday while I am giving out progress reports with signed papers attached, the students will have an open folder exam from these 14 words. So please be sure they have completed their work! We will begin discussion of material on Energy Friday. Be sure and look at your child's progress report from all of their teachers, sign them and return them on Friday. Thanks for your cooperation.

Posted by 7thghms at 12:09 PM CDT
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Monday, 3 October 2005

Just to update this week's agenda. We will continue on Matter as I have told you and make presentations of elements assigned to students. Please encourage them to bring something from home that has their element in it. Also, we will be having an exam on THURSDAY on notes that are completed today. They need to study every night as recommended. Sign and return papers on Thursday also. Picture retakes Thursday. Honors Breakfast Friday is your child made honor roll.Thanks for your cooperation.

Posted by 7thghms at 12:13 PM CDT
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Friday, 30 September 2005

Picture retakes are Thursday.
We will continue discussing our information on Matter which comes from pp. E46-E53. Physical and Chemical properties and changes. The students will hopefully present their element in common substances on Monday. If not Monday they will still have an opportunity on Tuesday if they choose. We will be having another exam this week also to conclude this lesson. Please encourage your child to study EVERY night. They should know by now how important this is. Thanks for all your cooperation.

Posted by 7thghms at 2:43 PM CDT
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