Minutes from the General Meetings




Minutes for 8/24/2005

 Amy Sistrunk called the meeting to order.

Minutes were read from 4/27/05 meeting.

Financial Report:  Elizabeth Dumas

Reported there is currently $8,092.53 in the budget.  There are no outstanding debts.

Hospitality:  Vicki Whitehead

The teacher breakfast was August 19th.  As usual it was a big success, thanks to everyone who helped.  There will be two hospitality events for teachers per semester.  Breakfast will also be served for the judges of the social studies and the science fairs.

Newsletter/Web Page:  Bobbie McWilliams

Any items for the newsletter need to be written and submitted to Bobbie McWilliams.  She will format and type the newsletter.

Public Relations:  Amy Knight/Denise Antis

We are considering not printing the honor roll in the News Star because of all the problems we have had in the past with the all the names being published correctly.   Mrs. Dumas explained the very time-consuming, detailed, multi-step process for producing the honor roll for the News Star.  Even after all the work is done, somehow all the names are still not printed correctly in the newspaper!   May limit our news coverage to items such as the social studies fair, science fair, student of the month, and any other items we feel is news worthy.

Membership:  Cindy Golden

Membership is currently at 96.  Will have volunteers to work open house on September 6th to sign people up for PALS.

 Fund Raising:  Leslie Bryan

Fun Day will be either October 8th or November 12th.  October 8th is the high school homecoming so there may be a conflict in using the school gym.  There will be an e-mail sent when the date is set.

Also need volunteers to help.

Box Tops for school will continue this year.  The school made $296.60 last year.

Academic Achievement:  Jane Menzie

Need to e-mail suggestions for academic achievement awards to Jane Menzie.

 Old Business

The foyer is not finished.  We are considering purchasing two chairs to be placed by the table in the foyer to complete the project.  However, there are issues with the location of the table because of the interruption of traffic flow in the foyer area. Before anything else is purchased for the foyer these issues will be addressed.

 Recycling Ink Cartridges:  Cindy Tatum will be in charge of this project.  She headed this fundraiser for Kiroli last year and it was a success.

 New Business

The school nurse has requested funding for basic supplies and equipment needed to properly furnish the school’s nurse’s station.  Some of the items needed are an otoscope, scale, bandages, cups and cup dispenser, etc.  The total of her request was $756.00

 A motion was made by Lila Srode to fund the nurse’s station with $1000.00 from the PALS budget.  This is a one time only funding and not a line item in the budget.  The motion received numerous seconds, and was unanimously passed.

 Scholarship Money:  Mrs. Dumas brought to the attention of PALS that there is a need in our school for financial help for students whose parents cannot afford to buy even the basic school supplies.  Mrs. Remedies has asked PALS for help with buying these supplies.  Terri Chellette, Missy Shepherd, and Mrs. Dumas have agreed to be on the committee to handle such request.  Mrs. Dumas will chair the committee.  As the guidance counselors contact Mrs. Dumas, she will call the committee members and they will determine the proper use of the scholarship fund.  They will report to PALS when there is a need and how it was met.

 There was a motion made by Leslie Bryan to establish a budget line item in the amount of $500.00 to meet the needs of those students who cannot afford the basic needs for school.  This will be an annual budget item.  Cindy Golden made the second for the motion.  The motion passed with unanimous consent.

 The meeting was adjourned. 

 The next meeting will be held, Wednesday, September 21st at 11:45 a.m.





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