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Monday, 7 November 2005

Amendment Test on Wednesday (Amendments 1 - 10 only)
Constitution Test on Friday (all study questions)

Posted by 7thghms at 4:12 PM CST
Thursday, 3 November 2005

No Homework!!!

Posted by 7thghms at 3:41 PM CST
Monday, 31 October 2005

Test will be on Wednesday (Article I Study Questions)

Answers to the Articles I Study questions

Article I Study Questions

Section I Congress
1. What does vested mean?
included in

Section 2 House of Representatives
1. Who can vote for House members?
any registered voter of that district

2. What are the qualifications for a member to be elected?
25 years old, 7 year citizen of the United States, and a resident of the state that they represent

3. What does sole power of impeachment mean?
power to accuse a federal official of wrong doing

4. What is enumeration?

5. Why did some people count differently?
three fifths of the slaves were counted, women, property owners

6. How many representatives does each state have the right to elect?
population determines the number of representatives

7. What is their term of office?
two years

Section 3 The Senate

1. How many Senators can each state have?
two per state

2. How long is a Senators term of office?
six years

3. What are the qualifications for a member to be elected?
30 years old, 9 year citizen of the United States, resident of the state that they represent

4. Who is the President of the Senate?
Vice President of the United States

5. Does the President of the Senate have a vote and when does he use this vote?
yes, to break a tie

6. What does Pro tempore mean?

7. Explain the power of impeachment in the Senate?
the senate acts as a jury, 2/3 of the Senate must vote to impeach

8. What is the only punishment the Senate can impose?(clause 7)
removal from office and barred from holding a federal office in the future

Section 4 Elections and Meetings

1. What is the minimum times the Congress must meet?
once a year

Section 5 Rules for the Conduct of Business

1. Who makes the rules for each house?
each house may determine the rules of its proceedings

2. What percentage of the houses must vote to remove a member from office?
2/3 vote

3. What does adjourn mean?
stop meeting

4. Explain clause 4.
both houses must meet in the same city, neither house can adjourn a meeting for more than three days unless the other house approves

Section 6 Privileges and Restrictions

1. What does compensation mean?

2. Are Senators and Representatives paid?

3. Where does the money come from to pay these officials?
comes from the Treasury of the United States

4. Are there any restrictions on other employment for Senators and Representatives?
yes, may not hold any other federal appointment or job while in office

5. What does emolument mean?

Section 7 Law-Making Process

1. Where do Tax bills originate?
House of Representatives

2. What is revenue?
money raised by the government through taxes

3. What is a bill?
proposed law

4. What is veto? Pocket veto?
veto - reject, pocket veto - killing a bill without taking any action

5. What is a resolution?
orders that have the same force as laws

6. Can a bill become a law without the President’s signature? Explain
yes, Congress can override the Presidents veto with a 2/3 vote

7. How does Congress override a President’s veto?
2/3 vote from both houses

Section 8 Powers Delegated to Congress

1. What duties?

2. What are imposts?
taxes in general

3. What are excises?
taxes on the production or sale of certain goods

4. What are bonds?
certificates that promise to pay the holder a certain sum of money on a certain date

5. What does the word delegated mean?
given or shall have

6. Name the powers delegated to Congress?
Taxes, Borrowing, Commerce, Naturalization, Bankruptcy, Coins, weights, measures, Counterfeiting, Post offices, copyrights, patents, federal courts, piracy, declarations of war, army, navy, rules for military, militia, rules for the militia, National Capital, necessary laws

7. Why did Congress add clause 18?
Congress could deal with the changing needs of our nation

8. What is clause 18 sometimes called?
elastic clause

Section 9 Powers Denied to the Federal Government

1. What does the word such persons mean in clause 1?

2. What is writ of habeas corpus?
a court order requiring government officials to bring a prisoner to court and explain why he or she is being held

3. Why do we have habeas corpus?
protects people from unlawful imprisonment

4. What is a bill of attainder?
law declaring that a person is guilty of a particular crime

5. What is ex post facto law?
punishes an act which was not illegal when it was committed

6. Name the powers denied to the federal government.
slave trade, writ of habeas corpus, bills of attainder, ex post facto, appointment of direct taxes, taxes on exports, special prefence trade, spending, creation of nobilitiy

7. What amendment gave Congress the right to tax income?

8. What is the difference between capitation tax and direct tax?
capitation - taxes on one person
direction tax - to all people and land

9. What does appropriate mean?
passes a law allowing it

10. Explain clause 8. What do you think was the reasoning behind clause 8?
Americans could not make titles of nobility, this was so that no one would be the most powerful with all of the power.

Section 10 Powers Denied to the States

1. What are the powers denied to the States?
Unconditional prohibition, powers conditionally denied

2. What is the reasoning behind clause 1?
the writer of the Constitution did not want the states to act as separate nations

Posted by 7thghms at 11:47 AM CST
Friday, 28 October 2005

Begin to review your Article I Section 1 - 10 Study Questions
Test will be on Wednesday or Thursday

Bill of Rights Test will be on Wednesday or Thursday (Amendments 1 - 10)

Posted by 7thghms at 3:44 PM CDT
Thursday, 27 October 2005

No Homework tonight!!!

Posted by 7thghms at 3:56 PM CDT
Wednesday, 26 October 2005

Homework: Article I Section 6-10 Constitution Study Questions Starts on page 872

Posted by 7thghms at 4:44 PM CDT
Wednesday, 19 October 2005

Chapter 7/8 Test Tomorrow
Study your study questions

Posted by 7thghms at 3:44 PM CDT
Tuesday, 18 October 2005

Chapter 7/8 Test will be on Thursday!!!

Don't forget your Preamble. We will say the Preamble in class on Friday. The copy of the Preamble was given to each student last Thursday

Posted by 7thghms at 4:02 PM CDT
Monday, 17 October 2005

Chapter 7/8 Test will be on Thursday

Chapter 7/8 Study Questions and answers

16. What does the system of checks and balances do?

Checks and Balances – under this system each branch of the Federal government has some way to check, or control, the other two branches
System of Checks and Balances is another way that the Constitution limits the power of government

17. What is a bill, and how can it become a law?

In the House: Introduced in the House, Referred to House committee, House debates and passes its form of bill, Conference committee reaches compromise on single form of bill

In the Senate: Introduced in Senate, Referred to Senate committee, Senate debates and passes its form of bill, Conference committee reaches compromise on single form of bill
House and Senate approve compromise and President signs bill into law

18. Give three checks the Congress has on the President.

Override a veto

Senate must approve any federal appointments

Can remove the President from office

19. Who were the Federalists? Why did the Anti-Federalists oppose the Constitution?

Supporters of the Constitution

They felt that if made the national government too strong and left the states too weak

Gave the President too much power

20. The nation’s first election under the Constitution was held in 1789. Who was elected President and Vice-President? What was the first capital?

George Washington – President
John Adams – Vice President

21. Give the two steps in amending or changing the Constitution.

2/3 of both houses of Congress can vote to propose an amendment

Or 2/3 of state can propose

Next step ? of states must vote for the amendment

22. How many amendments have been added to the Constitution since its adoption?


23. Who wrote our Bill of Rights?

James Madison

24. What do our Bill of Rights protect?

Basic Rights ( 1 – 10 )

25. What term means the right of every citizen to a fair trial?

Due Process

Chapter 7/8 Test

Posted by 7thghms at 4:23 PM CDT
Friday, 14 October 2005

Test on Chapter 7/8 is scheduled for Wednesday

Advanced Social Studies homework- Look up five important people in history and five important events in history (all in the 18th century)list the websites and be ready to take them to the library on Monday.

Chapter 7/8 Study Questions and answers

1. Give two reasons why Americans wanted written constitutions for their new governments.

Would clearly tell the rights of all citizens

Would limit the power of government

2. What is a bill of rights?
List of the freedoms the government has to protect

3. Our nation’s first constitution was the Articles of Confederation. Give 6-7 provisions

A. each state had one vote in Congress

Gave Congress the power to declare war

States had the final authority

Although Congress could pass laws, at least nine of
the thirteen states had to approve a law

Congress could not regulate trade between states and foreign

Congress could not pass any laws regarding taxes

To get money – Congress had to ask each state for it

No state could be forced to pay

4. What were tow important laws passed by Congress in 1785 and 1787? Describe each

Land Ordinance 1785 called for the land to be surveyed and divided into townships. 36 sections and 1 township set up to support public school

Northwest Ordinance – set up government NW Territory and outlawed slavery
Important because it was a way new states would be admitted to the U.S.

5. After the war, the nation suffered an economic depression, and how was that connected to Shay’s Rebellion in 1786?

Economic depression – period when business activity slows price, wages fall and unemployment rises.

6. Name four important delegates who attended the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in May, 1787.

Ben Franklin
George Washington – President Continental Congress
Alexander Hamilton
James Madison

7. Why did the delegates decide to keep their meetings secret?

Wanted to be able to freely speak their minds without pressure from the outside

8. Explain the difference between the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan.

Virginia Plan – called for a strong national government and three branches: legislative, executive, judicial
Two houses – Senate, House of Representatives

New Jersey Plan – called one house legislature – Each state would have on e vote no matter what the population

9. What was the Great Compromise? Who suggested it?

Great Compromise – House of Representatives chosen by all men who could vote. Decided by population
Senate – Each state would have two senators

10. What was the Three-Fifths Compromise?

Three-fifths Compromise – 3/5 of the slaves in a state would be counted

11. Define these terms: republic and federalism

Republic – nation in which the voters elect representatives to govern them

Federalism – sharing of power between the states and the national government

13. What does separation of powers mean?

System of which each branch of government has its own powers

14. Give two facts about each of the three branches of government: Executive, Legislative, Judicial

Executive Branch – President
Legislative Branch – Congress
Judicial Branch – Supreme Court and other Federal Judges

15. What is the job of the Electoral College?

Electoral College – votes for the President and Vice-president of the U.S.

Electoral College were made up of the House of Representatives and the Senators of each state

Posted by 7thghms at 4:21 PM CDT

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