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Tuesday, 22 March 2005

8th grade Language Arts
Mon--Vocabulary Workshop Unit 12, words 11-15. Write the words/definitions 3x each. Know the synonyms and write a sentence for each word.
Tues-- read from Anne Frank: Diary of a young girl.
Wed--Continue reading and discussing story.
Thurs--Vocabulary Quiz, Test on Anne Frank
Fri--No School

8th grade English
Mon--Begin Prepositions, workbook pg 141
Tues--Continue with Prepositions
Wed-Prepositions; workbook pages
Thurs--Prepositional Phrases
Fri-No School

7th grade Language Arts
Mon--Vocab. Workshop Unit 12, words 11-15. Write word and definition 3x each, synonym and a sentence for each word.
Tues--Read and discuss "Charles" and "No News"
Wednesday--Discuss stories, workbook pages, Write a paper comparing/contrasting stories.
Thurs--Vocab Quiz, Test on two stories

7th grade English
Mon-Thurs--Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases. There will be workbook pages assigned on different days.

6th grade Language Arts
Mon--Vocab Workshop Unit 12, words 11-15. Write the words and definitions 3x each. Write synonyms and create a sentence for each word.
Tues--Read and discuss "Dragon, Dragon"
Wed--Continue discussing story. Writing activity
Thurs--Vocab Quiz, Test on "Dragon, Dragon"

6th grade English
Mon-Thurs--Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases. Workbook pages will be assigned, anything not finished in class will be homework.

Posted by 6thghms at 7:41 AM CST

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