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Tuesday, 29 March 2005

8th grade Language Arts
Tues--Vocabulary Workshop (unit 12, words 16-20) write words/definitions 3x each; write a sentence for each word.
Wed--Discuss "The Ransom of Red Chief"; group activities
Thurs--"The Ransom of Red Chief"
Fri--Test on "The Ransom of Red Chief"; vocab Quiz

8th grade English
Tues--Conjunctions and Interjections
Wed--Review Unit 13--Prepositions, Conjunctions, and Interjections
Thur--Test on Unit 13
Fri--In-class activity

7th grade Language Arts
Tues--Vocabulary Workshop(unit 12, words 16-20) Write words/definitions 4x each. write a sentence for each word
Wed--"Who's on First"; Discuss literary elements
Thurs--"who's on First"
Fri--Test on "Who's on First"; Vocab Quiz

7th grade English
Tues--Conjunctions and Interjections
Wed--Unit 13 Review
Thurs--Test on Unit 13
Fri--In-class Activity

6th grade Language Arts
Tues--Vocabulary Workshop (unit 12, words 16-20)
write words/defintions 3x each. write a sentence for each word.
Wed--The Enchanted Raisin
Thurs--The Enchanted Raisin
Fri--Test on story; Vocab Quiz

6th grade English
Tues--Conjunctions and interjections
Wed--Review Unit 14
Thur--Test on Unit 14
Fri--In-class activity

Posted by 6thghms at 3:00 PM CST

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