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Tuesday, 10 May 2005

6th, 7th, and 8th grade Language Arts
Monday--Vocabulary Workshop
Read chapter 12 in 'The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe'
Tuesday--Character activity in class
Wednesday--Read Chapters 13 and 14 in class
Thursday--Vocabulary Quiz, Read chapter 15-16
Friday--Read Chapter 17 begin review.

6th, 7th, and 8th grade English
Monday--Continue Rough draft of How To paper
Tuesday--Revise and Edit Rough drafts
Wednesday--Revise and edit, begin typing as ready
Thursday--complete papers
Friday--complete papers

Posted by 6thghms at 10:43 AM CDT
Monday, 2 May 2005

6th, 7th, 8th grade Language Arts
Monday--Vocabulary Workshop. Either draw a picture to help remember and write the word and definition once or write the word and definition 3x each. Continue reading "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe"
Tuesday-"The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe"
Wednesday--same as above
Thursday--Vocabulary Quiz, Read "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe"
Friday--Continue reading story

6th, 7th, and 8th grade English
Monday--complete creative/descriptive writing assignments
Tuesday--Present creative writing task to class/ begin new Writing task, write a "How-to" paper
Wednesday--"How-to" paper
Thursday--"How-to" paper
Friday--"How-to" paper

Posted by 6thghms at 9:36 AM CDT
Tuesday, 26 April 2005

6th, 7th, & 8th Grade Language Arts
Monday--Vocabulary Workshop, Draw pictures, write words and definitions
Tuesday--Begin "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe"--Chapter 1
Wednesday--Chapter 2 & 3
Thursday--Vocabulary Quiz, Chapter 4
Friday--Continue Chapter 4 & 5

6th, 7th, & 8th grade English
Monday--In-class creative/descriptive writing
Tuesday--Continue creative/descriptive writing assignment
Wednesday--Revising/Editing writing
Thursday--Continue revising/editing writing, begin typing
Friday--Present work

Posted by 6thghms at 1:47 PM CDT
Tuesday, 29 March 2005

8th grade Language Arts
Tues--Vocabulary Workshop (unit 12, words 16-20) write words/definitions 3x each; write a sentence for each word.
Wed--Discuss "The Ransom of Red Chief"; group activities
Thurs--"The Ransom of Red Chief"
Fri--Test on "The Ransom of Red Chief"; vocab Quiz

8th grade English
Tues--Conjunctions and Interjections
Wed--Review Unit 13--Prepositions, Conjunctions, and Interjections
Thur--Test on Unit 13
Fri--In-class activity

7th grade Language Arts
Tues--Vocabulary Workshop(unit 12, words 16-20) Write words/definitions 4x each. write a sentence for each word
Wed--"Who's on First"; Discuss literary elements
Thurs--"who's on First"
Fri--Test on "Who's on First"; Vocab Quiz

7th grade English
Tues--Conjunctions and Interjections
Wed--Unit 13 Review
Thurs--Test on Unit 13
Fri--In-class Activity

6th grade Language Arts
Tues--Vocabulary Workshop (unit 12, words 16-20)
write words/defintions 3x each. write a sentence for each word.
Wed--The Enchanted Raisin
Thurs--The Enchanted Raisin
Fri--Test on story; Vocab Quiz

6th grade English
Tues--Conjunctions and interjections
Wed--Review Unit 14
Thur--Test on Unit 14
Fri--In-class activity

Posted by 6thghms at 3:00 PM CST
Tuesday, 22 March 2005

8th grade Language Arts
Mon--Vocabulary Workshop Unit 12, words 11-15. Write the words/definitions 3x each. Know the synonyms and write a sentence for each word.
Tues-- read from Anne Frank: Diary of a young girl.
Wed--Continue reading and discussing story.
Thurs--Vocabulary Quiz, Test on Anne Frank
Fri--No School

8th grade English
Mon--Begin Prepositions, workbook pg 141
Tues--Continue with Prepositions
Wed-Prepositions; workbook pages
Thurs--Prepositional Phrases
Fri-No School

7th grade Language Arts
Mon--Vocab. Workshop Unit 12, words 11-15. Write word and definition 3x each, synonym and a sentence for each word.
Tues--Read and discuss "Charles" and "No News"
Wednesday--Discuss stories, workbook pages, Write a paper comparing/contrasting stories.
Thurs--Vocab Quiz, Test on two stories

7th grade English
Mon-Thurs--Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases. There will be workbook pages assigned on different days.

6th grade Language Arts
Mon--Vocab Workshop Unit 12, words 11-15. Write the words and definitions 3x each. Write synonyms and create a sentence for each word.
Tues--Read and discuss "Dragon, Dragon"
Wed--Continue discussing story. Writing activity
Thurs--Vocab Quiz, Test on "Dragon, Dragon"

6th grade English
Mon-Thurs--Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases. Workbook pages will be assigned, anything not finished in class will be homework.

Posted by 6thghms at 7:41 AM CST
Monday, 28 February 2005

6th, 7th, 8th grade Language Arts
Mon--Vocabulary Workshop pg 131, words 1-5. Write words and definitions 5x each.
Tues-Fri--LEAP/IOWA Review, Vocabulary Quiz on Friday.

6th, 8th grade English
Mon-Fri--LEAP/IOWA review

7th grade English
Mon--Continue Subject/Verb Agreement
Tues--Test on Subject/verb Agreement
Wed-Friday--IOWA Review

Posted by 6thghms at 9:34 AM CST
Tuesday, 22 February 2005

6th, 7th, 8th grade Language Arts
Monday--Vocabulary workshop Unit 11 pg 124. Write the EVEN words and definitions 5x each. Quiz on Friday
Tuesday-Friday--In-class review for LEAP/IOWA tests.

6th, 7th, 8th grade English
Monday--Subject/Verb Agreement
Tuesday--Continue with Subject/Verb Agreement
Wed-Thursday--Review for test on Subject/verb Agreement
Friday--Test on Subject/Verb Agreement

Posted by 6thghms at 3:05 PM CST
Tuesday, 15 February 2005

6th, 7th, & 8th Grade Language Arts:
Mon--Vocabulary Workshop words/definitions 5x each
Tues--LEAP/IOWA review
Wed--LEAP/IOWA review
Thur--Vocabulary Quiz; LEAP/IOWA review
Fri--LEAP/IOWA Review

Note: For the next few weeks, we will be preparing for the LEAP test(8th Grade) and the IOWA(6th & 7th)
Most of the review we will do will be in the classroom.

6th, 7th, & 8th grade English:
Mon--Adverbs test
Tues--Begin "Subject/Verb Agreement"
Wed, Thurs, Fri--Continue "Subj/Verb Agreement"; Workbook pages

Posted by 6thghms at 7:28 AM CST
Monday, 7 February 2005

8th grade LA
Mon-Vocabulary Workshop Words/definitions 4x each
Tues-Continue reading "Thank You in Arabic"
Wed-Review "Thank You in Arabic" Selection Quick Check;
Thurs-Vocabulary Quiz, test on "Thank You...", Begin reading "Paul Revere's Ride"
Fri--Read "Paul Revere's Ride"

7th grade LA
Mon-Vocabulary Workshop Words/definitions 4x each
Tues-read and discuss "The Scholarship Jacket"
Wed- Library
Thur-Vocabulary Quiz, review story
Fri-Test on "Scholarship Jacket"

6th grade LA
Mon-Vocabulary Workshop words/definitions 4x each(Unit 10,pg 117, evens)
Tues-read and discuss "Doc Rabbit, Bruh Fox, and Tar Baby"
Wed-continue reading in small groups. Write a summary of the stories
Thur-Vocabulary Quiz, Selection Quick Check; Ven Diagram
Fri-Test on "Doc Rabbit..."

6th, 7th, & 8th grade English
Mon-Continue with Adverbs
Wed--Begin review
Thur-review with games
Fri--test on Adverbs

Posted by 6thghms at 10:37 AM CST
Monday, 31 January 2005

8th grade Language Arts:
Mon--vocabulary workshop words/def 5x each
Tues--Read Poems pg 567 &568
Wed--Test on Poems. Begin "Thank You in Arabic"
Thurs--Vocab Quiz, Continue story
Friday--library day

8th grade English
Thurs--Quiz on Adverbs
Fri--Library Day

7th grade Language Arts:
Mon--Vocabulary Workshop words/def 5x each
Tues--Begin Reading story in pairs
Wed--Continue with story/discussion
Thur--Test on story
Fri--Library Day

7th grade English
Mon--Begin Adverbs
Thur--quiz on Adverbs
Fri--Library Day

6th grade Language Arts
Mon--Vocabulary Workshop words/definitions 5x each
Tues--Begin reading story
Wed--continue with story
Thurs--Vocab Quiz, Story Test
Fri--Library Day

6th grade English
Thurs--Quiz on Adverbs
Fri--Library Day

Posted by 6thghms at 10:26 AM CST

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