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Wednesday, 24 August 2005

8th grade Language Arts:
Monday: Discuss Mystery, Begin reading "Sorry Right Number"
Tuesday: Continue with story
Wednesday: Continue discussing story--Plot Sequence
Thursday: Review for Test
Friday: Test on story and Vocabulary

8th grade English:
Monday-Friday: Types of Sentences, sentence fragments, Subjects and Predicates. No assigned homework, complete workbook pages if needed. Test will be on Tuesday, August 30.

7th grade Language Arts:
Monday-Wednesday: discuss Fantasy genre, watch "Tuck Everlasting"
Thursday: Identify elements and characteristics of Fantasy as seen in "Tuck Everlasting"
Friday: Test on elements of Fantasy

7th grade English:
Monday-Friday: Types of Sentences, sentence fragments, subjects and predicates. NO assigned homework, students need to complete any workbook pages that were not finished in class. Test will be Tuesday, Aug.30

6th grade Language Arts:
Monday-Tuesday: Read and discuss "The Circuit"
Wednesday: Complete workbook pages and discussion on story
Thursday: Story on Tape--worksheet
Friday: Test on "The Circuit"

6th grade English:
Types of Sentences, sentence fragments, subjects and predicates. No assigned homework, students need to complete any workbook pages that were not finished in class. Test will be on Tuesday, Aug. 30

Posted by 6thghms at 7:11 AM CDT
Tuesday, 17 May 2005

6th, 7th, 8th grade Language Arts
Monday--Vocabulary Workshop
Tuesday & Wednesday--Watch movie "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe"
Thursday--Vocabulary Quiz, Test on "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe"
Friday--Wrap up/prepare for Final on MONDAY

6th, 7th, 8th grade English
Monday--Finish typing papers
Tuesday--Idioms Activity
Wednesday--In-class Writing activity
Thursday--In-class Writing activity
Friday--Wrap up/prepare for FINAL on TUESDAY

Posted by 6thghms at 7:44 AM CDT
Tuesday, 10 May 2005

6th, 7th, and 8th grade Language Arts
Monday--Vocabulary Workshop
Read chapter 12 in 'The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe'
Tuesday--Character activity in class
Wednesday--Read Chapters 13 and 14 in class
Thursday--Vocabulary Quiz, Read chapter 15-16
Friday--Read Chapter 17 begin review.

6th, 7th, and 8th grade English
Monday--Continue Rough draft of How To paper
Tuesday--Revise and Edit Rough drafts
Wednesday--Revise and edit, begin typing as ready
Thursday--complete papers
Friday--complete papers

Posted by 6thghms at 10:43 AM CDT
Monday, 2 May 2005

6th, 7th, 8th grade Language Arts
Monday--Vocabulary Workshop. Either draw a picture to help remember and write the word and definition once or write the word and definition 3x each. Continue reading "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe"
Tuesday-"The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe"
Wednesday--same as above
Thursday--Vocabulary Quiz, Read "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe"
Friday--Continue reading story

6th, 7th, and 8th grade English
Monday--complete creative/descriptive writing assignments
Tuesday--Present creative writing task to class/ begin new Writing task, write a "How-to" paper
Wednesday--"How-to" paper
Thursday--"How-to" paper
Friday--"How-to" paper

Posted by 6thghms at 9:36 AM CDT
Tuesday, 26 April 2005

6th, 7th, & 8th Grade Language Arts
Monday--Vocabulary Workshop, Draw pictures, write words and definitions
Tuesday--Begin "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe"--Chapter 1
Wednesday--Chapter 2 & 3
Thursday--Vocabulary Quiz, Chapter 4
Friday--Continue Chapter 4 & 5

6th, 7th, & 8th grade English
Monday--In-class creative/descriptive writing
Tuesday--Continue creative/descriptive writing assignment
Wednesday--Revising/Editing writing
Thursday--Continue revising/editing writing, begin typing
Friday--Present work

Posted by 6thghms at 1:47 PM CDT
Tuesday, 29 March 2005

8th grade Language Arts
Tues--Vocabulary Workshop (unit 12, words 16-20) write words/definitions 3x each; write a sentence for each word.
Wed--Discuss "The Ransom of Red Chief"; group activities
Thurs--"The Ransom of Red Chief"
Fri--Test on "The Ransom of Red Chief"; vocab Quiz

8th grade English
Tues--Conjunctions and Interjections
Wed--Review Unit 13--Prepositions, Conjunctions, and Interjections
Thur--Test on Unit 13
Fri--In-class activity

7th grade Language Arts
Tues--Vocabulary Workshop(unit 12, words 16-20) Write words/definitions 4x each. write a sentence for each word
Wed--"Who's on First"; Discuss literary elements
Thurs--"who's on First"
Fri--Test on "Who's on First"; Vocab Quiz

7th grade English
Tues--Conjunctions and Interjections
Wed--Unit 13 Review
Thurs--Test on Unit 13
Fri--In-class Activity

6th grade Language Arts
Tues--Vocabulary Workshop (unit 12, words 16-20)
write words/defintions 3x each. write a sentence for each word.
Wed--The Enchanted Raisin
Thurs--The Enchanted Raisin
Fri--Test on story; Vocab Quiz

6th grade English
Tues--Conjunctions and interjections
Wed--Review Unit 14
Thur--Test on Unit 14
Fri--In-class activity

Posted by 6thghms at 3:00 PM CST
Tuesday, 22 March 2005

8th grade Language Arts
Mon--Vocabulary Workshop Unit 12, words 11-15. Write the words/definitions 3x each. Know the synonyms and write a sentence for each word.
Tues-- read from Anne Frank: Diary of a young girl.
Wed--Continue reading and discussing story.
Thurs--Vocabulary Quiz, Test on Anne Frank
Fri--No School

8th grade English
Mon--Begin Prepositions, workbook pg 141
Tues--Continue with Prepositions
Wed-Prepositions; workbook pages
Thurs--Prepositional Phrases
Fri-No School

7th grade Language Arts
Mon--Vocab. Workshop Unit 12, words 11-15. Write word and definition 3x each, synonym and a sentence for each word.
Tues--Read and discuss "Charles" and "No News"
Wednesday--Discuss stories, workbook pages, Write a paper comparing/contrasting stories.
Thurs--Vocab Quiz, Test on two stories

7th grade English
Mon-Thurs--Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases. There will be workbook pages assigned on different days.

6th grade Language Arts
Mon--Vocab Workshop Unit 12, words 11-15. Write the words and definitions 3x each. Write synonyms and create a sentence for each word.
Tues--Read and discuss "Dragon, Dragon"
Wed--Continue discussing story. Writing activity
Thurs--Vocab Quiz, Test on "Dragon, Dragon"

6th grade English
Mon-Thurs--Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases. Workbook pages will be assigned, anything not finished in class will be homework.

Posted by 6thghms at 7:41 AM CST
Monday, 28 February 2005

6th, 7th, 8th grade Language Arts
Mon--Vocabulary Workshop pg 131, words 1-5. Write words and definitions 5x each.
Tues-Fri--LEAP/IOWA Review, Vocabulary Quiz on Friday.

6th, 8th grade English
Mon-Fri--LEAP/IOWA review

7th grade English
Mon--Continue Subject/Verb Agreement
Tues--Test on Subject/verb Agreement
Wed-Friday--IOWA Review

Posted by 6thghms at 9:34 AM CST
Tuesday, 22 February 2005

6th, 7th, 8th grade Language Arts
Monday--Vocabulary workshop Unit 11 pg 124. Write the EVEN words and definitions 5x each. Quiz on Friday
Tuesday-Friday--In-class review for LEAP/IOWA tests.

6th, 7th, 8th grade English
Monday--Subject/Verb Agreement
Tuesday--Continue with Subject/Verb Agreement
Wed-Thursday--Review for test on Subject/verb Agreement
Friday--Test on Subject/Verb Agreement

Posted by 6thghms at 3:05 PM CST
Tuesday, 15 February 2005

6th, 7th, & 8th Grade Language Arts:
Mon--Vocabulary Workshop words/definitions 5x each
Tues--LEAP/IOWA review
Wed--LEAP/IOWA review
Thur--Vocabulary Quiz; LEAP/IOWA review
Fri--LEAP/IOWA Review

Note: For the next few weeks, we will be preparing for the LEAP test(8th Grade) and the IOWA(6th & 7th)
Most of the review we will do will be in the classroom.

6th, 7th, & 8th grade English:
Mon--Adverbs test
Tues--Begin "Subject/Verb Agreement"
Wed, Thurs, Fri--Continue "Subj/Verb Agreement"; Workbook pages

Posted by 6thghms at 7:28 AM CST

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