8th grade Language Arts:
Monday--vocabulary workshop Unit 2, words 11-20. Write the words and definitions 3x each. Study for test on Friday.
Tuesday-Thursday--Flowers for Algernon
Friday--Vocab test, test on Flowers for Algernon. No homework
7th grade Language Arts:
Monday--vocabulary workshop Unit 3, words 1-10. Write the words and defintions 3x each. Study for test on Friday.
Tuesday-Friday--A Wrinkle in Time.
6th grade Language Arts:
Monday--vocabulary workshop Unit 4, words 1-10. Write the words and definitions 3x each. Study for test on Friday.
Tuesday-Thursday--Koko, The Signing Gorilla
Friday--Vocabulary test, test on story. NO homework
Posted by 6thghms
at 2:50 PM CDT