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Table of Contents Pages 1 - 5 Pages 6 - 10 Pages 10 - 17 Pages 17 - 22 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
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At Good Hope Middle School we strive for excellence in education. Different program and activities will be held through out the school year to recognize students who excel in academics and exhibit good behavior. Each six weeks, honor roll students (3.0 and above) will be treated to an Honor Roll Breakfast. Our Character Co8nts Program will be honoring students who exhibit appropriate behavior. An end of the year awards program will be held in May. Every student at Good Hope Middle School is expected to be courteous to administrators, teachers, staff, and fellow students, attempting at all times to exhibit behavior that is indicative of respectful ladies and gentlemen. Every teacher at GHMS is authorized to hold every student to a strict accountability for any disorderly conduct on the school campus or at school sponsored events. In
accordance with the Ouachita parish School Board Policy, corporal
punishment may be administered at GHMS by the principal or his designee. For health and safety reasons, the principal or his designee reserves the right to inspect and search lockers or personal storage areas at any time. Louisiana Law provides that a student may be recommended for suspension/expulsion at any time for any serious violation of school regulations. Any student suspended cannot return to school until one or both parents have had a conference with the assistant principal. On a student's third suspension, the student and/or parent will be required to have a conference with the Supervisor of Child Welfare at the Ouachita Parish School Board Office before the student may return to school. On the fourth suspension, the student shall be recommended for expulsion from all public schools until the beginning of the next school year. A suspended student is not allowed on campus during his/her suspension. Graded assignments missed during suspension cannot be made up. Students may be suspended or expelled for the following violations:
Ouachita parish School Board Policy
First Offense Fighting - The penalty for fighting is an automatic three-day suspension. Each participant determined by school authorities to be actively involved in starting the fight will be suspended. Second Offense Fighting - As required by state law RS: 17-416, any student committing a second offense fighting will be recommended to expulsion. The
following are also acts that may lead to suspension or expulsion:
The academic day for Good Hope Middle School begins promptly at 7:53 a.m. Children who arrive after that time will be considered tardy and must sign in the office. Tardiness is defined as not being in your seat when the tardy bell rings. If a teacher detains you and you can not reach your class on time, ask him/her to write you a pass to class. Do not loiter in the hall. Each teacher will close their door after the tardy bell rings for class. Any student that is still in the hall will be escorted to the office by the principal or referred by the teacher on a tardy slip. The school office will address each tardy situation. The consequences for tardiness are as follows:
*Once a student has been suspended from school for being tardy to class, the new rotation process will begin. The process for tardiness will start over with a one hour detention, not a warning. All disciplinary problems which develop on a school bus traveling to and from school will be handled by the Principal or Assistant Principals at GHMS. The bus is an extension of the school and all problems will be handled as if they were in the classroom at school. Problems that have definite penalties at school, such as smoking, fighting, cursing, etc., will carry the same penalties on the bus. The privilege of riding the bus is conditioned on the student's good behavior and observance of rules and regulations. Bad behavior will have the privilege withdrawn. In order for a student to ride another bus, he/she should have a written note from the parent giving permission to ride that bus and the Principal's or Assistant Principal's signature is required.
*Any student may be removed from the bus at any time depending on the infraction. Any student assigned to Saturday Seminar for school violations who does not attend will face automatic suspension from school. PROGRESS REPORTS/TAKE HOME PAPERS Progress reports indicating students' grades are sent home during the third week of each six weeks grading period for all students. These reports should be reviewed, signed by the parents, and returned the next school day. Weekly test papers will be sent home each Thursday school wide. These papers need to be returned on Friday. If for some reason, you need to keep your child's papers for a longer period of time, please contact his teacher. The amount of homework is left to the discretion of the classroom teacher. Students are expected to complete their homework every day that is assigned. Students are to bring their books, pencils, and pens with them every day. After an absence of two days, parents may request homework by calling the office before 8:15 a.m. A good suggestion would be for the student to call one of his classmates to get his homework when he is out for a shorter period of time. You can contribute greatly to your son's or daughter's success in school by proving for home study each day. A minimum of one hour of home study per day is recommended. The Louisiana State Legislature in 1993 passed a law, Act 87, about medication and procedures to be taken at school. We encourage parents to make arrangements to administer medication at home or come to school to give their children medication. The state law requires that if medication must by taken during school hours, (whether prescription or over-the-counter including Tylenol, cough drops, cough syrup, etc.), the school MUST have both written orders from the doctor and appropriate forms secured from school giving written authorization from the parent. The medication must be in a properly labeled bottle to include student name, name of medication, dosage, and time to give medication. Medication CANNOT be transported to or from school on the bus; it must be brought to the school by the parent and picked up by the parent. If the dosage should change, the office must receive a written order from the doctor or dentist stating what changes have been made and a new pharmacy label issued. If the medication and dosage should change and a written statement from the doctor is not received, then the child will not be given his/her medication. The school nurse program continues to expand their services, and strives to fulfill mandated legislation; their primary concern is for the health, safety, and welfare of the students. The school nurse is available as a resource person for any health related concerns you may have. The nurse can provide preventative measures, health counseling and education, and can assist with medical problems. The nurse can help to promote understanding of chronic health problems and assist the student, family and school personnel in the adjustment to those problems. The school nurse conducts screening programs during the year as follows: · Mandated vision and hearing screenings per recommendations by the American Academy of Pediatrics or by special request by parents, children and school personnel. · Scoliosis screenings on 6th and 8th grade students or by request. · Pediculosis (head lice) checks on elementary students per parish protocol. · General overall assessment of students which may include, but not limited to, vital signs, listening to heart and lung sounds, and visual assessments. · BSE and cervical cancer classes provided for 7th-12th grades. If you do not want your child to participate in any of the above then you must let the school nurse know in writing by September 5th. Please mail to: Ouachita
Parish School Nurse Since an effective drug policy is necessary in school today, a cooperative effort must be made by all as a preventive measure. Anyone with information concerning drugs should report to school personnel. Periodic searchers will be made of student lockers and restrooms. Ouachita Parish schools have established clear policies concerning alcohol and drug use at school. When students are found using or possessing drugs, the school notifies police, parents and the Supervisor of Child Welfare and Attendance. The student is recommended for expulsion. The penalty for selling drugs is expulsion. GHMS participates in Drug-Testing policy mandated by Ouachita Parish Schools.
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