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A student locker is provided to be used solely for storage of outer garments and school materials. THE LOCKER IS NOT THE STUDENTS PRIVATE PROPERTY AND MAY BE OPENED BY SCHOOL AUTHORITIES WHEN DEEMED NECESSARY. School personnel will hold periodic inspection of all lockers, and any unauthorized items found in the locker may be removed. Students are expected to keep their lockers neat and clean. If the student does not have a lock on their locker and have it secured, then the student is responsible if items are stolen. Students may use only the locker assigned them. Theft or locks or items from within the locker will be considered grounds for immediate suspension from school. Students must rent a school lock. All other locks will be removed. Any lock or locker problem should be reported to the assistant principal in charge. Locks that are lost will cost $5.00. Physical education is required by law for all boys and girls in Louisiana schools. If the family physician advises against taking part in physical education, it is necessary that a written excuse from the physician be presented to the Physical Education teacher and signed by the teacher. All excuses from physical activity or limited activity must be accompanied by a letter that gives the school information as to the type of activity in which the student is not to take part. Each student will be given a specific set of rules dealing with physical education by his physical education teacher. Students should DRESS OUT even when they have excuses, but are not participating. There are two student insurance policies available to everyone in the fall, one covering the school day and the other is a 24-hour plan. The policies are limited to specific amounts for the different injuries. Both policies are well worth the minimal charges. All student athletes must submit a waiver form indicating adequate coverage under a family policy or purchase the student insurance. GHMS does not have an insurance policy to cover students! If at any time during the school year a student moves to a different address, he/she must report this change to the school office. Likewise, a change in telephone numbers should be reported to the office. A current phone number must be on file at all times. Parents are requested not to call their children over the telephone or ask that messages be delivered to them, except in case of sickness or real emergencies. The office telephone is a business phone and should be used by students for emergencies only. Students will be allowed to use the office phone in case of illness. Teachers cannot be called from classes for telephone calls. However, messages may be accepted or numbers take for return calls. The Louisiana High School Athletic Associations Official Handbook will govern student participation in athletics at GHMS. The LHSAA holdback policy will be in effect during the current school year. ALL VISITORS ON CAMPUS MUST SIGN IN AT THE OFFICE. Conferences are to be pre-arranged by the parents and the teachers or counselor. Appointments should be during the planning/conference period of the teacher. Parents will not be allowed to interrupt a classroom teacher's teaching time. Former students may visit with their former teachers before or after school with authorization form the principal. No student will be permitted to check out of GHMS for any reason without the student's legal guardian being present. The parent or guardian must come to the office and check the student out. PLEASE do not check your child out early unless it is an emergency. Instruction teaching time is very important at Good Hope. Textbooks are proved free to the student. Each classroom teacher is responsible for assigning his/her textbooks. The text number and condition is noted for each student. Fines are assessed by the teacher for any damages other than normal wear. If the text is lost, the student must pay for the book and another book will be issued to the student. If the text is found, money will be refunded to the student. It is the student's responsibility to keep up with and take care of all textbooks. All posters must advertise school approved events and must be approved by the principal. Announcements over the intercom system will follow the same procedure as the bulletin notices. Because intercom announcements interrupt classes, therefore, no such announcements will be made unless approved by an administrator. Announcements will be made during the first five minutes of the day and the last five minutes of the day. The school buildings and equipment of GHMS cost the taxpayers to construct, purchase, and maintain. Students who destroy or vandalize school property will be required to pay for losses or damages. If students willfully destroy school property, suspension and subsequent expulsion may be necessary. If you should happen to damage something by accident, you should report it to a teacher or the office immediately. All students
are expected to come to class prepared to work with completed assignments
and the necessary materials. Any type of affection is not allowed such as holding hands, hugging, etc. Students are not allowed to sell gum, candy, etc., at school. Each student is expected to show courtesy, to show respect, and to follow directions of those in charge. Students are not to loiter in the restrooms and are to do their part to keep them clean. No vehicles are to be driven to school by students No one is allowed to throw foreign objects like rocks, dirt clods, ice, etc. No radios, tape recorders, CD players, CD's, headphones, beepers, yo-yo's, laser pointers, baseball cards, computer games, or any other items of value that are not school related are to be brought to school. If items are lost or stolen, GHMS will not be responsible for them. Students must have a pass to leave the classroom at any time unless accompanied by a teacher. Students,
once you come on campus, you are officially here and cannot leave the
campus until the school day is over or you officially check out. The Ouachita Parish School System does not condone discrimination of the basis of sex or physical condition. Should you feel that you are the victim of discrimination, you should contact the Title VI - Title IX Coordinator, Mickey Jackson, Ouachita Parish School Board, 100 Bry Street, Monroe, Louisiana, (318) 388-2711. The Ouachita Parish School Board has established an official grievance process. COMPUTERS
– ACCEPTABLE USAGE POLICY (AUP) FOR STUDENTS Because computers and Internet access are provided in Ouachita Parish School System schools as an educational resource, the following procedures and guidelines are used to help ensure appropriate, considerate, ethical, and responsible use of all technology at Ouachita Parish School System Schools. All users should be aware that the inappropriate use of electronic information resources can be a violation of local, state, and federal laws. Violations can lead to prosecution. We require that all students abide by the following rules for acceptable user behavior. 1.
Acceptable Use. The use of an assigned account must
be in support of educational goals and objectives of the Ouachita Parish
School System. Students are
not allowed to access email accounts other than those assigned by the
teacher. 2. Network Etiquette. Communication on the Internet may be scrutinized by the teacher or the System Administrator. Each Internet user is expected to abide by the following generally accepted rules of user etiquette. a. Be polite. b. Use appropriate language. c. Use email in an appropriate manner. 3. The following behaviors are not permitted. a. Sending or displaying ANY offensive messages or pictures; b. Encrypting of any files; c. Using obscene language; d. Harassing, insulting, or attacking others; e. Damaging computers, computer systems, or computer networks; f. Trespassing in another person’s folders, work or files; g. Intentionally wasting limited resources, including the use of “chain letters” and messages broadcasted to mailing lists or individuals; h. Employing the computer for commercial purposes; i. Revealing the personal address or phone number of any other person; j. Changing the default settings (desktop settings, screen saver, etc.) on the computer; k. Installing ANY unauthorized or unlicensed software on school/school board computers; l. Installing ANY unauthorized or unlicensed school/school board software on personal/home computers; m. Using ANY outside media (diskettes, CD’s tapes, etc.); n. Any illegal activities, “hacking”, or attempts to otherwise compromise system security. Inappropriate use of the computer and Internet access may result in the temporary or permanent cancellation of that privilege. As with any other serious violation of school or district rules and regulations, consequences of violations include the possibility of suspension or expulsion from school. Should a student violate this policy, he/she may lose computer and Internet access privileges. Users agree to report any misuse of electronic information. Last revised April 2002 PARENTAL AND STUDENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT SHEET As a parent and/or student at Good Hope Middle School, I have received a copy of the Student Handbook. I have read the handbook and have an understanding of the policies and procedures that will be followed at Good Hope Middle. I understand the handbook will be discussed through classes at school and students shall be knowledgeable of the guidelines that are followed at Good Hope. As a parent and/or student, I am willing to support the school in the implementation of these rules in order to try and help each child attain his/her potential. |
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