Week of October 17-21
Homeroom- remember to bring cans
for the Canned Food Drive
DOL Week 9- write and study sentences
each day. Test on Friday.
Comma usage
Text pp 456-459
WB pp 235-238
Comma Rules
1. To separate three or more items in a series
(We had soup, crackers, and milk.)
2. To show a pause after an introductory word
(Yes, you may go to the fair.)
3. After two or more prepositional phrases at the
beginning of a sentence
(In the first part of class, we will review.)
4. To set off interruptions (appositives)
( Sue, the girl next door, likes to draw.)
5. To set off names of direct address
(Mom, do I really have to go?)
6. Compound sentences(and, or, but)
7. Salutations in friendly letters, closing in friendly
and business letters
8. To prevent misreading
Thursday- Comma test-you must be able to write
the rules.
Advanced English
DOL Week 9- write and study sentences
each day. Test on Friday.
Monday- computer lab
We will create news stories to put in a class
Your child will be given an assignment to
research/investigate this week.
Posted by 6thghms
at 1:29 PM CDT