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Wednesday, 29 September 2004

8th Grade Language Arts:

Monday: Vocabulary Worksheet
Tuesday: None
Wednesday: Study for Vocabulary Workshop quiz (spelling and definitions) over these 10 words: antics, banter, bountiful, congested, durable, frugal, incognito, legendary, minimize, and veer.
Thursday: Answer Comprehension Questions at the end of the story to review for test on Friday.(All Things Bright and Beautiful)
Friday: None

8th Grade English:
Tuesday: If you did not complete in-class assignment, finish writing descriptive paragraph using format.
Wednesday: Discuss writing process, write a descriptive paragraph
Thursday: Writing
Friday: In-class Writing assignment for a grade

7th Grade English:
Monday: No Homework
Tuesday:If you did not complete in-class assignment, finish writing descriptive paragraph using format.
Wednesday: Discuss Writing process, write a descriptive paragraph
Thursday: Writing
Friday: In-class Writing assignment for a grade

7th grade Reading:
Monday: Vocabulary worksheet
Tuesday: None
Wednesday: Finish reading/Re-read story (Rosa Parks)Also, study for Vocabulary Workshop quiz on Thursday(spelling and definitions) for these words: available, customary, entrpreneur, hazard, indifference, indispensable, plague, poised, trasparent, unscathed.
Thursday: Vocabulary Workshop Quiz
Answer Workbook questions on story, Study for test on Friday over Rosa Parks Story
Friday: Test, no homework

6th Grade English:
Monday: Indirect objects, complete workbook pages
Tuesday: Indirect objects, no homework
Wednesday: Indirect Objects, Study for test on Thursday
Thursday: Indirect Objects test
Friday: In-class writing assignment

6th Grade Reading:
Monday: Vocabulary Worksheet
Tuesday: Read Story
Wednesday: Gorilla Worksheet; Also, study for Vocabulary Workshop quiz on Thursday over spelling and definitions for these words: confront, contemporary, disinterested, hypocrite, incomprehensible, manipulate, maximum, mimic, stamina
Thursday: Vocab Quiz
Study for test on KoKo the Gorilla
Friday: Test, no homework

Posted by 6thghms at 9:52 AM CDT
Tuesday, 21 September 2004

1st period--
Tuesday: Vocabulary worksheet from the story, "The Medicine Bag." Also, Analyze Literature questions 1-7, Textbook pg87. Quiz on Wednesday over Vocabulary Workshop Definitions(Unit 1, words 1-10)
Wednesday: Vocabulary Workshop Quiz. No Homework.
Thursday: Workbook pages on the story "The Medicine Bag". Study for test on Friday. Quiz on Vocabulary Workshop definitions(Unit 1, words 11-20)
Friday: No Homework.

3rd period--Tuesday: Vocabulary worksheet from the story, "Hollywood and the pits". Analyzing Literature questions 1-4, pg. 127 in textbook. Vocabulary Workshop quiz over definitions(Unit 1, words 1-10).
Wednesday:Vocabulary Workshop quiz. No Homework.
Thursday: Workbook pages on the story. Test on Friday over "Hollywood and the pits". Vocabulary Workshop quiz 2(unit 1, words 11-20).
Friday: No Homework.

4th and 5th period--Tuesday: Verb Crossword Puzzle
Wednesday: Review and prepare for Test on Thursday(Verbs, Direct Objects, Indirect Objects.)
Thursday: Test over Verbs, Direct Obj. and Indirect Obj.
Friday: In-class Writing Assignment.

6th period--Tuesday: No Homework
Wednesday: Review and prepare for Test on Thursday over Verbs, Direct Objects, and Indirect Objects.
Thursday: Test
Friday: In-class Writing Assignment.

7th period--Tuesday: Complete Vocabulary worksheet on the story "Primary Lessons". Vocabulary Workshop quiz on Wednesday(definitions of Unit 1, words 1-10)
Wednesday: Vocabulary Workshop quiz.
Thursday: Review for Test on Friday. Workbook pages on the story. Also review for Vocabulary Workshop quiz 2(Unit 1, words 11-20)
Friday: Test over story, Vocabulary Workshop quiz.

Posted by 6thghms at 5:16 PM CDT
Wednesday, 15 September 2004

1st period vocabulary worksheet 3rd period vocabulary worksheet 4th period 5th period 6th period Review adn check workbook pages 75-76 7th period vocabulary worksheet Vocabulary workshop practice

Posted by 6thghms at 6:00 PM CDT
Tuesday, 14 September 2004

Mood:  a-ok
Tuesday: 1st period--8th grade Language Arts In class, we began reading the story "Mother and Daughter". For homework, continue reading the story. ALSO, write the Vocabulary Workshop words 5 times each. 3rd period--7th grade Language Arts In class, we started the story "Broken Chain". Continue reading the story for homework. 4th period--8th grade English Introduction to Action Verbs. Complete page 75 in the Grammar Workbook for homework. 5th period--7th grade English Introduction to Action Verbs. Complete page 73 in the Grammar Workbook for homework. 6th period--6th grade English Introduction to Action verbs. No homework. 7th period--6th grade Language Arts Discuss Vocabulary Workshop words(Unit 1). For homework, write each word 5 times each. Read "The Land of Red Apples" in the textbook.

Posted by 6thghms at 4:16 PM CDT

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