8th grade LA
Mon-Vocabulary Workshop Words/definitions 4x each
Tues-Continue reading "Thank You in Arabic"
Wed-Review "Thank You in Arabic" Selection Quick Check;
Thurs-Vocabulary Quiz, test on "Thank You...", Begin reading "Paul Revere's Ride"
Fri--Read "Paul Revere's Ride"
7th grade LA
Mon-Vocabulary Workshop Words/definitions 4x each
Tues-read and discuss "The Scholarship Jacket"
Wed- Library
Thur-Vocabulary Quiz, review story
Fri-Test on "Scholarship Jacket"
6th grade LA
Mon-Vocabulary Workshop words/definitions 4x each(Unit 10,pg 117, evens)
Tues-read and discuss "Doc Rabbit, Bruh Fox, and Tar Baby"
Wed-continue reading in small groups. Write a summary of the stories
Thur-Vocabulary Quiz, Selection Quick Check; Ven Diagram
Fri-Test on "Doc Rabbit..."
6th, 7th, & 8th grade English
Mon-Continue with Adverbs
Wed--Begin review
Thur-review with games
Fri--test on Adverbs
Posted by 6thghms
at 10:37 AM CST